The Yukon NGO HUB Society

About the NGO Sector

NGOs in Yukon
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There are over 600 nonprofits organizations in the Yukon supporting community and social services, health, education, the arts, sport, recreation, industry and more. The nonprofit sector accounts for 6.5% of Yukon’s nominal GDP and 10.3% of Yukon’s employed workforce.

The sector builds equity in Yukon’s workforce by hiring and training youth, women and under-represented workers. For example, the proportion of women employed is higher in the nonprofit sector across Canada than in the public and private sectors: 77% of nonprofit employees are female; compared with 55% in the public sector and 40% in the private sector.

Non-Profit Employees

Female 77%
Male 23%

Public Sector Employees

Female 55%
Male 45%

Private Sector Employees

Female 40%
Male 60%
 The social sector is a driver of Yukon’s economic and social recovery and in building healthy and thriving communities. Nonprofit organizations working with and advocating for vulnerable communities have unique insight into how to close existing gaps and solve complex problems.

Their ideas, borne from firsthand experience, make Yukon more resilient in the face of adversity.