The Yukon NGO HUB Society

Community Connecting

The Community Connecting is a monthly one-hour online meeting to discuss specific topics suggested by YOU! We invite different speakers to share information supporting your vital work each month..

The monthly meeting also provides space to share ideas and success stories, highlight sector challenges, collaborate, etc. 

Discussions and topics emphasized the need to make community connections in a safe environment for open discussion and exchange. As a result, the participants à decided that the community networking sessions would no longer be recorded. In the future, the Yukon NGO Hb Society will be responsible for providing a summary of the sessions.

The Community networking is a one-hour event.

  • November 22
  • December 13
  • January 17
  • February 21

Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions.

Volunteer Bénévoles Yukon created the Community Connecting meeting (initially weekly meetings) at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak.